Charles Semowich, Carillonneur
Welcome to the home page of the Charles Semowich, Carillonneur. You'll find information about the Albany Carillon,my concerts and other activities. Charles Semowich has given concerts at many carillons in New York, New England, Pennsylvania, Virginia and elsewhere. He performed twice for the Commencement at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst with an audience estimated at 20,000. In 2007 through 2014 he played concerts for the Albany Tulip Festival.He performed at the New York State Commemoration of Martin Luther King,Jr Holiday. He played the carillon for the New York State 9/11 remembrance and three times for governor's inaugurals. He performed several at Riverside Church, New York City. This is the largest carillon in the world. He has played many other concerts. His original music has been published.
Charles Semowich, Monday and Fridays at noon
- The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America
- The official web site of the Guild.
- Fenwick Parva Press
- A Music Publisher of carillon music. They published several of Charles Semowich's works.
- Campus Beiaard Kring
- A group of Carillonneurs at Twente University. They have posted some nice recordings of carillon music. The site is in Dutch.
Electronic mail address
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Last revised: June 1, 2007.